Sunday, June 14, 2020

Testosterone hormone therapy for men

Hormone replacement therapy is one of the hottest topics in bodybuilding today. It involves the use of synthetic hormones to allow the body to produce higher levels of the sex hormones testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Originally designed for people with low hormone levels due to a condition, it quickly caught on among older people who were able to match the vitality of a person who is decades younger. Hollywood noticed the next, and was followed by groups of 30-, 40- and 50-something professionals seeking to regain their youth. Hormone therapy is today's fountain for young people - allowing people of all ages to return to the testosterone levels they enjoyed in their 20s, even if they are decades older.

As men get older, their body's natural level of testosterone (male sex hormone) declines and their production of estrogen (female sex hormone) increases. As a result, men experience muscle loss, fat gain, Gynecomastia and other problems. In other words, they are getting old. HRT reverses it.

To be approved for HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), you must visit a doctor and make the case a real need. HRT agents such as testosterone and growth hormone are highly controlled. Telling your doctor that you want to win a local NPC competition doesn't get the prescription you want. A patient will typically undergo a series of studies to determine what sex hormones are out of balance. A hormone panel is completed and cancer screening is performed. If the patient is cancer-free, has a measured lack of sex hormones and exhibits the mental properties of low testosterone, he is likely to receive a Maryna Kovaltchuk Life Coach/ Counsellor.

Initially, aromatase inhibitors (AIs) can be used to offset the rise in estrogen. This is the simplest treatment and is actually the same compound used in post-cycle therapy (PCT) for steroid users to negate the post-cycle increase in estrogen that occurs when synthetic testosterone levels suddenly drop. The very consistent and expensive Arimidex is most commonly prescribed. Recently, Femara and Aromasin have started to be used because they are more potent.

If AI does not comply with the bill, prohormones are often introduced next. Adione and 4-Adiol are most frequently used with 1-AD and others. Prohormones are not converted, unlike the actual testosterone, into estrogen, so they can increase testosterone levels and improve quality of life without the side effects that follow estrogen levels.

Transdermal testosterone is the third step in low sex hormone correction. Pulse therapy (2-3 times a day) or patch / gel testosterone therapy are very effective in raising testosterone levels in the body. They are effective, but completely or partially shut down the body's natural ability to produce testosterone, allowing their use to remain permanent.

Finally, human growth hormone (hGH) is used in a small percentage of patients whose bodies do not produce sufficient growth hormone or if the patient has failed to respond to the first three treatments. HGH is expensive and difficult to store and manage.

Finding the right hormone replacement method is an important decision that you and your doctor must make together. Use the above descriptions as a starting point, do your research, and see if hormone replacement is right for you.

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