Sunday, June 14, 2020

Feminine Psychology

Feminine psychology is the psychology of the female of the human kind, and it includes the study of the gender-related "female human identity" as well as the psychological interpretations of the problems that women confront during their lifetime.

Gender surveys help us to understand and distinguish between the natural biological and gender differences created by the gender roles that society has created from time to time. Further gender studies also help us understand the gender distribution that exists in the community.

Feminine psychology is also involved in highlighting the gender bias that existed in traditional psychological theories and offers alternative theories to address these biases and propagate new thinking. Work related to hysteria and neurosis is especially important in this regard.

Feminine Psychology: "Penis Envy"

There was a time when it was a widely accepted belief that women were in fact "imperfect men" and their imperfection aroused their sexual defects. It was believed that women would do anything like men because of this sexual inadequacy, which can be more explicitly stated as the jealousy of not having a "penis". The irony of it all is that this thinking came from one of the brilliant minds of the 19th century, ie. Sigmund Freud, the father of the psychoanalytic movement. He invented the term "envy of the penis" for what he called as the sexual inadequacy of women, which manifested itself in all her thinking and actions. It was even postulated that women became hysterical and neurotic when their desire to be like men could not be fulfilled. He said women were envious of all that men stood for, and this envy begins in childhood when a woman sees that she is devoid of a penis that her brother has. For more than 150 years, this theory was accepted without major questions, and women suffered greatly because of this mindset that spread in society as a EDEN LIFE ACADEMY.

Feminine psychology: The theory of "Penis envy" and the challenge to the theory

It was not until the early and later part of the 20th century that this belief was adequately challenged by some brilliant female psychoanalysts and psychologists. They challenged Freud's theory by strongly advocating the fact that Freud was actually a prisoner of his culture and time, and what he said and interpreted was based on the social conditions of his times. In the 19th century, the Victorian culture of women lived a very discriminated and marginalized life and had many restrictions that were hampered by them. In this kind of scenario, every time women became frustrated and tried to challenge the system, they were severely rejected and they became ridiculous for trying to "imitate men". This phenomenon was called "penis envy," and all their feelings and emotions were smeared as neurotic behaviors that were believed to be naturally associated with them.

How a Life Coach Can Help


Many people are not sure what life coaching is and how it can benefit all areas of a person's life. Coaching addresses specific personal projects, business success and general issues in the client's personal life, relationship or profession by examining what's going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges may be, and choosing a course of action to make your life what you want it to be. Every day we make choices about whether or not to do many things. These choices have an effect that makes our lives more fulfilling or less fulfilling. Life Coaching helps you learn how to make choices that create an effective, balanced and fulfilling life. Athletes, artists, CEOs and presidents know they can't do it alone. They know they need a trained professional to help them determine the best direction and provide objective support and feedback. Without this, it is almost impossible to obtain expertise. No athlete would consider going to the Olympics without the support of a coach. The coach's extra edge makes all the difference. Why shouldn't you have the same benefit?

Have you ever struggled with something ... from sticking to a diet, moving out of your comfort zone, standing up for yourself, keeping a steady love life, doing things you've always wanted to do ("playlist"), to teach leadership skills? A life coach can give you the tools to confidently face difficult situations, push past emotional barriers and see life with fresh, hopeful and enlightened eyes. A life coach can help with every area of ​​a person's life. Here are a few Psychology:

Relationships. Do you have a hard time in your relationship? Want to improve a relationship you're having trouble with ... spouse, boyfriend / girlfriend or family member? A life coach will help you uncover what it is you want out of a relationship and find greater fulfillment in the relationships you already have. A life coach can help you set goals, understand your current partner, thrive in your marriage or provide for a lost loved one.

Career. Do you feel bored, unmotivated and unfulfilled with your current job, but not sure what job would satisfy you, or are you afraid of taking the risk of leaving your job? A life coach can put you on the path to a more fulfilling work life. They will listen to and break down your current situation and feelings around your job. This can be extremely difficult to do on your own. Together with your coach, you will explore what you really want from work to fulfill you, then formulate an action plan to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.

To find happiness. Happiness is arguably the most important thing in our lives. If we are happy with ourselves, our health, our relationships and happy with our careers and finances, there is not much we need. Unfortunately, most people are not happy, at least not as happy as they would like to be. To be happy, we can take control of our lives, gain our confidence, improve our lifestyle and follow our dreams. We all grow and develop and have the potential to be happy and successful. Happiness is unique to each of us, and more and more people turn to a life coach to help them discover much more happiness in their lives.
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The psychology of culture

About the evolutionary, modern and universal dimensions of culture and identifying the most important areas of research in cultural psychology

The term culture will mean the full range of activities, beliefs, lifestyles, habits, rituals, arts, ethics and behavioral patterns in a society. Despite the broad definition of culture, in that the cultural elements are too different and different, it is not easy to create a relationship between culture and psychology. There are two common ways in which the relationship between psychology and culture is studied through intracultural psychology or behavioral patterns in a particular community and intercultural psychology or behavior and psychological characteristics of societies.

Intracultural psychology seeks to understand the cultural basis of behavior by studying a society's peculiarities, its rules and norms, and shows how traditions shape or influence the collective psyche of people in the community. In psychology, however, this is simply regarded as 'cultural psychology' as a straightforward term that denotes the study of cultural traditions and their effects on human psychology. This kind of categorization can be misleading as it tends to see cultures as fundamentally different entities and highlights differences rather than similarities. Cross-cultural psychology focuses on finding universal patterns of behavior or beliefs that are common among people of all cultures, and this is what is described here as 'intercultural' psychology. The terms ‘intra-cultural’ and ‘intercultural’ psychology would be more conducive to finding a psychology that shows convergent patterns of cultural behavior among people across Therapy for woman.

The psychology of culture requires further development in the definition of culture and in finding cultural roots that will highlight collective psyche or universal patterns of behavior. Humans are finally united by common emotions and psyche, and this broader cultural psychology has been promoted by Carl Gustav Jung, who focused his studies on the importance of inferring or understanding the collective unconscious with the elements or archetypes of a generation. to another.

Culture has been defined as the accumulated experiences of a society as a whole that has been transmitted socially, so that the collective unconscious in Jungian terms would serve as an archive of cultural imprints that shape human behavior from childhood. The three predominant schools of cultural psychology have been identified as having activity, symbolic or individualistic approach (Carl Ratner explains this well). The activity method emphasizes the social activities of a group, the symbolic approach defines culture as shared meanings and concepts or symbols. The individualistic approach emphasizes the individual's interaction with society, and through this, individuals construct their personal culture. But I would downplay the personal aspect of culture and propose culture as essentially a group phenomenon similar to individual conformity in society, so apart from activity and symbolism, culture should be defined based on its beliefs, values ​​and ethics. Culture is finally about shared activities, shared symbolism and shared belief systems.

Testosterone hormone therapy for men

Hormone replacement therapy is one of the hottest topics in bodybuilding today. It involves the use of synthetic hormones to allow the body to produce higher levels of the sex hormones testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. Originally designed for people with low hormone levels due to a condition, it quickly caught on among older people who were able to match the vitality of a person who is decades younger. Hollywood noticed the next, and was followed by groups of 30-, 40- and 50-something professionals seeking to regain their youth. Hormone therapy is today's fountain for young people - allowing people of all ages to return to the testosterone levels they enjoyed in their 20s, even if they are decades older.

As men get older, their body's natural level of testosterone (male sex hormone) declines and their production of estrogen (female sex hormone) increases. As a result, men experience muscle loss, fat gain, Gynecomastia and other problems. In other words, they are getting old. HRT reverses it.

To be approved for HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy), you must visit a doctor and make the case a real need. HRT agents such as testosterone and growth hormone are highly controlled. Telling your doctor that you want to win a local NPC competition doesn't get the prescription you want. A patient will typically undergo a series of studies to determine what sex hormones are out of balance. A hormone panel is completed and cancer screening is performed. If the patient is cancer-free, has a measured lack of sex hormones and exhibits the mental properties of low testosterone, he is likely to receive a Maryna Kovaltchuk Life Coach/ Counsellor.

Initially, aromatase inhibitors (AIs) can be used to offset the rise in estrogen. This is the simplest treatment and is actually the same compound used in post-cycle therapy (PCT) for steroid users to negate the post-cycle increase in estrogen that occurs when synthetic testosterone levels suddenly drop. The very consistent and expensive Arimidex is most commonly prescribed. Recently, Femara and Aromasin have started to be used because they are more potent.

If AI does not comply with the bill, prohormones are often introduced next. Adione and 4-Adiol are most frequently used with 1-AD and others. Prohormones are not converted, unlike the actual testosterone, into estrogen, so they can increase testosterone levels and improve quality of life without the side effects that follow estrogen levels.

Transdermal testosterone is the third step in low sex hormone correction. Pulse therapy (2-3 times a day) or patch / gel testosterone therapy are very effective in raising testosterone levels in the body. They are effective, but completely or partially shut down the body's natural ability to produce testosterone, allowing their use to remain permanent.

Finally, human growth hormone (hGH) is used in a small percentage of patients whose bodies do not produce sufficient growth hormone or if the patient has failed to respond to the first three treatments. HGH is expensive and difficult to store and manage.

Finding the right hormone replacement method is an important decision that you and your doctor must make together. Use the above descriptions as a starting point, do your research, and see if hormone replacement is right for you.

How a Life Coach Can Help


Many people are not sure what life coaching is and how it can benefit all areas of a person's life. Coaching addresses specific personal projects, business success and general issues in the client's personal life, relationship or profession by examining what's going on right now, discovering what your obstacles or challenges may be, and choosing a course of action to make your life what you want it to be. Every day we make choices about whether or not to do many things. These choices have an effect that makes our lives more fulfilling or less fulfilling. Life Coaching helps you learn how to make choices that create an effective, balanced and fulfilling life. Athletes, artists, CEOs and presidents know they can't do it alone. They know they need a trained professional to help them determine the best direction and provide objective support and feedback. Without this, it is almost impossible to obtain expertise. No athlete would consider going to the Olympics without the support of a coach. The coach's extra edge makes all the difference. Why shouldn't you have the same benefit?

Have you ever struggled with something ... from sticking to a diet, moving out of your comfort zone, standing up for yourself, keeping a steady love life, doing things you've always wanted to do ("playlist"), to teach leadership skills? A life coach can give you the tools to confidently face difficult situations, push past emotional barriers and see life with fresh, hopeful and enlightened eyes. A life coach can help with every area of ​​a person's life. Here are a few examples:

Relationships. Do you have a hard time in your relationship? Want to improve a relationship you're having trouble with ... spouse, boyfriend / girlfriend or family member? A life coach will help you uncover what it is you want out of a relationship and find greater fulfillment in the relationships you already have. A life coach can help you set goals, understand your current partner, thrive in your marriage or provide for a lost loved Therapy for men.

Career. Do you feel bored, unmotivated and unfulfilled with your current job, but not sure what job would satisfy you, or are you afraid of taking the risk of leaving your job? A life coach can put you on the path to a more fulfilling work life. They will listen to and break down your current situation and feelings around your job. This can be extremely difficult to do on your own. Together with your coach, you will explore what you really want from work to fulfill you, then formulate an action plan to get you from where you are now to where you want to be.

To find happiness. Happiness is arguably the most important thing in our lives. If we are happy with ourselves, our health, our relationships and happy with our careers and finances, there is not much we need. Unfortunately, most people are not happy, at least not as happy as they would like to be. To be happy, we can take control of our lives, gain our confidence, improve our lifestyle and follow our dreams. We all grow and develop and have the potential to be happy and successful. Happiness is unique to each of us, and more and more people turn to a life coach to help them discover much more happiness in their lives.
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Find the best towing service

If you find yourself in a situation where you recently ran out of gas on a public road, or if your car happened to collapse when you didn't expect it at all, there is a good chance you need to find a good towing service in your area. A towing service is basically when you call a company and they bring a truck with towing capacity to pull your car down to the nearest place where it can be fixed or where the problem can be solved. It would certainly be a good idea for you to have contact information from various towing companies in your area available at all times, so that if an accident occurs, you will be able to call the company immediately so that the situation can be resolved in an shortly. It's always better to have this contact number available just in case you don't think you'll ever have to use it for the foreseeable future.

When you take the time to learn a little more about the various towing services that are out there, you will find it easier to make the right choice. Once you find a company that you really like, things will be a lot easier for you and you probably won't feel like choosing any other company, provided your experience with this one certainly turned out to be good. There are a lot of towing companies out there and some of them only serve for specific areas. Make sure you have the contact information of all the tug companies you may need during your travels, as would be the case if you were traveling on a long trip. You don't have to think about things, but it can certainly be useful to have options like the ones available now and bring to a motor workshop for repairs.

If you go out of your way to find a good towing company, it will be very easy for you to ask for help when it turns out you need it. Towing companies offers people a very helpful service because if your car happens to crash and you need to get it to the nearest mechanic as soon as possible, this basically solves your problem completely. Then there is the issue of finding a good towing company to remove a car from a place that happens to be your property. If someone is parked there and you do not want this car to be there, then calling a towing company is something you can consider doing.

As you can see, there are many reasons to have access to a good towing company in your area because you want to make sure there are some options you have available in case you ever need to get your car tow or someone else's car too.

Benefits of a towing service during an emergency

No one knows when something bad can happen, so it is always best to be prepared as well as possible for an emergency. When driving, a road assistance plan is the best way to be prepared for an emergency while on the road. One of the main reasons for needing roadside assistance is when your vehicle is disabled by mechanical or electrical malfunction. More times than not, you need a towing service to make sure your car is not stranded and possibly sent to the fate lot. So what are some other benefits of a towing service?

Fast response time

When your vehicle breaks down, it seems like it never happens when you're out on a fun drive or when you don't need to be important anywhere. Instead, it never fails to break down when you are late for work, picking up the kids from school or when you have an important meeting to come to. Having a great towing service available through a roadside assistance plan means you have a faster response time than simply calling the first towing company you encounter. Most roadside assistance plans offer features within thirty minutes of receiving the call, so you know you will be taken care of quickly.

Take care of your vehicle

With a roadside service plan, you can be sure that the towing company has your best interests in mind and that they are taking the best possible car. Some tugs only look at the bottom line and don't care how they handle your vehicle, they just want it to its destination as soon as possible so they can move on to the next call. This means you may end up spending more money on their negligence or poor care of your how to contact Island Recovery Services.

Guarantee for proper license

Each state requires a certain license for all tow trucks that are on the road, but not all tow truck companies follow these rules. If you do not know the towing company you are dealing with, you may end up getting your vehicle damaged without the use of compensation for the damage. A good roadside service only deals with fully licensed towing services that meet the standards set for towing companies in your state. This means a higher quality of service for not only your car but for you when you are at your most stressed.

Most cities have a plethora of tug companies, but they are not all created equal, and they may not have the same customer service ideals. Many companies are only looking for their own interests, which make money and do not take care of your car. Only those who offer first-class service are used by high-quality service companies to offer their customers the best possible towing options. This means faster response times, a company that cares about your vehicle and the right license for your state.

Find the best towing service

If you find yourself in a situation where you recently ran out of gas on a public road, or if your car happened to collapse when you didn't expect it at all, there is a good chance you need to find a good towing service in your area. A towing service is basically when you call a company and they bring a truck with towing capacity to pull your car down to the nearest place where it can be fixed or where the problem can be solved. It would certainly be a good idea for you to have contact information from various towing companies in your area available at all times, so that if an accident occurs, you will be able to call the company immediately so that the situation can be resolved in an shortly. It's always better to have this contact number available just in case you don't think you'll ever have to use it for the foreseeable future.

When you take the time to learn a little more about the various towing services that are out there, you will find it easier to make the right choice. Once you find a company that you really like, things will be a lot easier for you and you probably won't feel like choosing any other company, provided your experience with this one certainly turned out to be good. There are a lot of towing companies out there and some of them only serve for specific areas. Make sure you have the contact information of all the tug companies you may need during your travels, as would be the case if you were traveling on a long trip. You don't have to think about things, but it can certainly be useful to have options like the ones available now and what to do when your car breaks down.

If you go out of your way to find a good towing company, it will be very easy for you to ask for help when it turns out you need it. Towing companies offers people a very helpful service because if your car happens to crash and you need to get it to the nearest mechanic as soon as possible, this basically solves your problem completely. Then there is the issue of finding a good towing company to remove a car from a place that happens to be your property. If someone is parked there and you do not want this car to be there, then calling a towing company is something you can consider doing.

As you can see, there are many reasons to have access to a good towing company in your area because you want to make sure there are some options you have available in case you ever need to get your car tow or someone else's car too.

Keeping roads clear with commercial towing services

When large vehicles are involved in accidents, commercial towing services will help provide light and heavy towing services. Clearing the road immediately after major rig accidents, loaded trailers, buses, tankers, auto centers and other large vehicles is imperative as these crashes may require additional road closures to clear the mess of spilled product, glass and debris. As the owner of the vehicle, you wanted the problem to be handled with the least loss for your business.

Types of commercial towing equipment

Commercial towing companies remove vehicles from the scene using appropriate equipment to do the job. While there are many types of trailers sent to do the job, some of the most common types are based on some commonly used ones.

· Toll trucks have an adjustable boom winch in places where the towing vehicle cannot back up. For example, if the vehicle is stuck in a ditch or plowed over a dam, the boom winch first pulls it to safety.

· Hook and chain trucks, also known as "sling" or "belt lift" trucks, use chains lifted around the axle along with a boom winch to position the car so it can be pulled on the other axle. This type of device can destroy the drive voltage of vehicles on front-wheel drive and scratch bumpers, but they are still used for towing vehicles with missing wheels or with bring to a motor workshop for repairs.

· Wheel lifters are the modern version of towing hook and chain, and they use a large metal lug that cradles the front or rear wheels and lifts it pneumatically or hydraulically above ground for towing. It is not connected to the axles, but to the front wheels of front-wheel-drive cars or trucks and rear of rear-wheel-drive units. The device is also called a "glasses-lift" because it looks like a pair of square glasses.

· Flatbed has a flat surface or bed that is hydraulically inclined or lowered to the ground, allowing the vehicle to be hoisted or driven on it to be removed from the scene. This approach is also called a rollback or slide.

· An integrated truck, a "self loader" often used for repo operations and the removal of illegally parked vehicles, includes the boom and wheel lift procedure and can negotiate to engage the vehicle inside the rescue vehicle without the driver having to leave that .

There are also towing units that combine some of these features to extract damaged vehicles from all situations.

Rescue of accidents

Companies that deliver light, medium, and heavy loads are often called to the site by local police departments, the county sheriff and highway patrol. In some cases, trucking companies, municipalities and school systems have their own trucks to call. They have the trained drivers and the equipment, expertise and permits needed for heavy towing. They have the right towing system, equipped with several tools, to safely grab the vehicle, pull it upright and properly balance it for safe removal from the scene. In the case of large rescues, there may be several trucks and types of equipment sent to the accident.

As part of the recovery, the commercial towing company helps with cleanup, and when the damaged vehicle can be driven, it can provide rollover and load shift services to get the vehicle vertical and help redistribute the load for safe driving.

When to Call a Towing Service?

When we talk about towing service, the first thing that comes to our mind is the basic service they offer - towing. This is why many people tend to ignore them when seeking help that is unrelated to pulling out gas, flat tires, roadside assistance and others. However, there are a lot of towing services that can offer more than simple towing, and this is what most do not realize.

Every time you experience problems while traveling or while in the middle of the road, the first thing to do, especially if you do not know what the problem is, contact a towing service. When the customer service representative answers your call, they will ask a few questions to help them determine the problem you are experiencing. After this, they will tell you if they can help you or not. In the event that a towing service admits that they cannot help you, you should never lose hope and try to call another towing service in the area.

Remember, there are dozens of options you can take, and if you really want to find the one that can help you with your problem, contact them one by one. You should never stop looking for a company that can help you with your problem, because with the modernization of most towing services today, you will easily be able to find the one that can help you with just about anything experience while what to do when your car breaks down.

The answer to the question "when to call a towing service?" is when you have had problems with your vehicle while traveling. There is no perfect time to call them. The most honorable draw is ready for anything that can happen to travelers while in the middle of the road. This means they have everything you need to fix an engine, replace a tire, or even refill your tank.

Back in the days, these companies only offered towing services, but today they can be considered as mobile mechanics, which can come to your place with all the tools you need right away. There are towing services that can serve you 24/7, and with their help you will be able to take your vehicle home no matter how long you have experienced.

Haircut Advantages of Short Hairstyles

You've probably had short hair for a while and now you've gotten used to letting it grow a bit longer. Once, your hair will no longer be short, but it won't be a real median length either. This "middle" length will probably drive you nuts, but with a little patience and some good hair styling tools on the market today, you'll see that you're almost likely to enjoy styling your hair as you grow. It's longer. You can have a little fun with the short to medium length, just in case you check out what other styles there are. You can use scissors to comb the hair, mousse, hair dryer, wax, gel, curling iron, hair fixer, etc.

Letting someone loosen their hair with scissors to cut hair could lead to some very unpleasant results, and many people have already encountered such consequences. Anyway, operating hair clippers to cut short hairstyles doesn't require much skill. It is just an instance of adjusting to the desired length with a protector and making sure the hair clipper goes through the area to be trimmed. It is almost impossible to trim the wrong area with the trimmer. But if you really want to get a good haircut, or trust someone else on this topic, why not invest in a set of nice and solid haircut scissors?

The first step in turning around is to get rid of your worries about losing your long curls. Many women want to make the change, as they know that shorter hair will look good, but they snatch off their twenty-year-old hairstyles. There is some fear among those women. But the point is that at some point in their lives, a shorter hair style may be more convenient and complementary for mature make sure that the haircut accentuates your facial features.

Layers have many other benefits, in addition to their versatility. For example, adding layers can modify an old style without too much alteration, and the layers can be elegant and flirty, making them adjustable to any age. Also, different layers could add natural volume to the hair without using any chemical means. Also, layers can help damaged hair with split ends, as the layers require cutting off broken and split ends. This gives the hair a brighter look. Layering could lighten hair that is too thick and heavy, letting its natural shape show in long and medium styles. Layering can be advantageous for migraine sufferers as it can provide some relief due to the lighter styling it produces.

A wavy style with the hair combed back shows absolute delicacy, when the hair is short. In case your hair is curly, this is a perfect solution for you. Simply comb your hair back, place it and add the enamel (for example, wax). In case your hair is straight, you will need a curling iron and a good hair fixing spray. After curling your hair, you have to do the same as already described above. Regardless, it's best not to over-comb your hair, as your curls are not natural.

Today's popular wedding hairstyles abound in short haircuts. Wedding hairstyles are essential to complement the bride's appearance, clothing, jewelry and the mood of the wedding. Choosing the right hairstyle for the happy wedding day should be given with comprehensive care.

There are many alternatives to improve the shape of the square face. This is another great benefit for the square face type as not all face shapes have as many options. Most options will be restricted with medium and short hairstyles. In addition, the layers will improve the entire appearance. In case the face looks square and short, you will want to make it "longer", which can be accomplished by adding height or volume to the hair crown.

4 steps to design your hair style

Most women look for celebrities when they want a new hairstyle. Sometimes this can spell disaster for some people. Hair styles are not one size fits all. There are many different factors that can cause a certain hairstyle to break. For example, consider the texture of your hair. If you have very thick hair, you don't want to choose a celebrity hairstyle that is for fine hair. Sometimes it will work, but most of the time it is asking for trouble.

Another example, if you have frizzy hair, you don't want to wear too many short layers. The shorter your hair, the more visible the frizz will be and the more difficult it will be to control. So there must be some judgment decisions when you bring your favorite celebrity hairstyle photo to your stylist and tell her to copy it.

If you have a good stylist, he or she can tell you right away that that style will not work for you due to the texture of your hair, hair type, etc. This is a good thing. I once took a photo of Jodie Foster, a medium length dark blonde hair layered hairstyle photo to my stylist and said I really wanted that look. My stylist told me that first the choice of color was not appropriate for my skin tones and that the hair style had many layers (and I had been complaining about the existing layers all over the place) So instead of creating the style with exact hair, she went with a modified style and I added some highlights that were more suitable for my skin tone. I was very happy with the result.

In the end, styling your own hairstyle may be the best way to get a flattering hairstyle that works for your hair and skin tones. Here are 4 easy steps you can take to design your own location of DeepCuts.

1. Start with the shape of your face. Remove all hair from your face and stand in front of a mirror. Trace the outline of your face in the mirror with something that is removable, that is. Soap, dry erase marker. Stand back and look at the shape you have drawn. Which shape is it more like? Oval, Circle, Rectangle, Heart, Inverted Triangle or Diamond.

2. Find out which celebrities have the shape of your face and start seeing all the different hairstyle options that those celebrities wear.

3. Write down what characteristics of those hair styles you like. Maybe you like the side bangs of a celebrity hairstyle and the long layers of another hairstyle. Make copies of all the hairstyle features you like.

4. Go to your stylist with your photos and notes. Show the stylist what features you like, ask him to design a hairstyle for you that has the main features that you like.

It is always important to ask the stylist about each facet of the hairstyle. He or she can give you some advice on what will work best for you. You can get a flattering hairstyle, it just takes a little work. If the first haircut doesn't suit you, remember to keep adjusting it. Sometimes it can take years to get the best style.

How to make a great first impression in your salon or barber shop

Creating the right impression is vital in the beauty industry. It only takes a few seconds to make a first impression. To have a successful salon or barber shop, you need to keep this in mind. Here are some ideas to impress your customers and make them enjoy their experience. They will talk about their store to all their friends.

First make sure your reception area is warm and inviting. Your staff should immediately greet everyone with a smile. It is a good idea to have your appointment and stylist checked. This will help ensure the customer that their team cares about them and wants them to look and feel great. The waiting chairs or benches should be cozy. Provide reading material of some kind to look at while they are there.

Second, you want to have a cozy atmosphere. The color scheme of your store and the type of music you play will instantly set the mood. Make sure your styling and styling chairs are stylish and comfortable. This will allow your customers to enjoy the time they spend on them. Make your design stations attractive and provide good lighting so they can see the great work you've done. Along with the atmosphere, you can offer refreshments. Coffee Tea. and lemon water are popular options. Not everyone will want something, but they will still love what you new haircut.

Third, you will want to provide fast service. Clients make appointments on their busy schedules. They will be impressed when you are ready to serve them on time. They will appreciate that they can meet their beauty needs during lunch or before or after work. Always inform clients if the stylist is falling behind. All this will let the client know that he wants to accommodate them.

Last but not least, you want your salon or hair salon to have a clean, fresh smell. The floors must be swept regularly. All classroom equipment must be well-cleaned and maintained. To help with the smell of chemical fumes, you can use an air purifier. Your staff should not wear strong perfumes to which some clients are sensitive. Your customers will come into contact with many different items in your salon or hair salon. For example, products, curtains, magazines and towels. You will want to have all items well organized and clean. This will give the impression of a high level of attention.

Some barber shop thoughts on customer service

One of my favorite places in the world is the hair salon. While that wasn't always the case during my long-haired teens, when I was a kid I loved my barber. Bill was a great guy. It made enough sense by the time I turned 10 to hear what I asked for in the form of a haircut and what my mother told him to do. And for the most part, we were both happy with the results, even though my mother had an abnormal obsession with me for not having a blast, but that is beside the point. It also didn't hurt that I had one of those outdated coke machines and I got a penny to get a bottle of soda after I cut my hair. Of course, this was in the days when the family service station still ruled the field. And fast markets and corporate gas monoliths and supermarkets weren't too far from the cities.

Over time, my childhood barber reduced his hours. He had had a long and successful career and was a one-chair store in a small town in southwestern Pennsylvania. Finally, I went to school and by the time I got back, he had completely withdrawn. I had to go find someone else to cut my hair.

Since I had a few extra bucks in my pocket, I tried some of the classy salons. Of course they had these wonderful sofas, candles and all these other luxury services. All of which was good, all of which added revenue and margin to their businesses, but that's not why I showed up there in the first place. Not unlike many customers in the world, he knew what he wanted. I was listening to new ideas, but at the end of the day I had a very good idea of ​​what my problem was. In this case, my hair was getting long and tousled and I only have three evil locks on the front of my head. So I'm the type of man who knows how he wants his hair cut. I am not looking for a new style and color. I don't care if I'm trendy or cool. I knew what I wanted, I tried to communicate it clearly and it never resulted in repeatable output. They would be too concerned with the art of their profession. It wasn't as if my hair was cut; I just didn't get what I wanted. After a few years in places like this, I took the chain mall make sure that the haircut accentuates your facial features.

There are places to chain hair cut everywhere. They cost much less than the elegant salons. Instead of stuffed sofas, there are plastic chairs in the waiting room. The list of additional services was limited, but all I wanted was a good haircut in my own way. Unfortunately, despite being easy to find, abundant, and well priced, the quality of his work was unpredictable. As a customer, not knowing what to expect is simply frustrating and not good customer service. I could never find the same person twice in a row. There was no consistency. The poor children who cut their hair there were new. New is not exactly bad. But even though they had a license to hang on the wall, most had just finished school in recent years. There is nothing wrong with being new, we have all been at one time or another. Like many people who have just finished school, they had the basic idea of ​​what to do, but lacked the experience of how to refine things. There was no mentor there to help them along the way. No one really trained, who could offer a vision and an experienced perspective.

8 flat tips for styling hair

Today's styling irons have made their mark and are quickly becoming popular in the beauty and hair care industry. Unlike previous generations of flat irons, modern straighteners are much safer to use and even capable of nourishing, revitalizing and hydrating hair. But with many different hair straighteners on the market today with various specific features and functions, it can be difficult for one to determine which one to use and how to use it effectively.

Here are some helpful tips to achieve the best possible results when styling your hair with an iron:

1. Know your hair type: This is probably the first thing you should consider first before breaking into a department store and buying an iron. Although there are some hair styling irons that can be used for all hair types, there are also others that are ideal for a specific hair type.

2. Determine the Right Heat Temperature for Your Hair: Probably the safest hair irons to use are the ones with various temperature settings. With these irons, you can control the intensity of the heat your iron produces. A specific hair type needs a specific styling temperature. An excess of which can damage your hair. The heat setting can be adjusted from low, which is good for fine and fine hair types, to high, which is ideal for thick and thick new haircut.

3. Wetting is good, but drying is better: For those who are always in a hurry, they often find themselves using their irons as hair dryers at the same time. Styling with wet hair can take some time. But with dry hair, your straightener can immediately focus on styling your hair instead of drying it first.

4. Comb with a comb instead of just bare hands: Better styling results can be achieved by carrying a flat iron in one hand and a comb in the other. Combs help condition and firm your hair before and after it passes through your flat irons.

5. Have a flat and straight style: this style is probably the simplest to do. First, insert 2 inches of your hair section from the roots right between the plates, squeeze the handle, and then slowly slide it to the ends.

6. Soft curls are cuter: In this hair style, simply insert a two-inch section of your hair between the plates, squeeze the handle, and then wrap your hair around the plates as you slide the flat iron to the ends.

7. Flip Out is a classic beauty: to achieve this hair style, you just have to do the same first step on the first two hair styles, slowly slide the plates through your hair from the roots and then slightly flip the plates At the extremes.

8. Flip In is simple but elegant: just go through the same initial procedure with the other three hair styles, slowly slide the plates through your hair from their roots, then gently flip the plates over at the ends.

Styling your hair with a flat iron can be a simple thing, but it's all about protecting your hair from possible damage and achieving the best results for your desired hair style.